A welcome return to the tropics for a fresh perspective

Dynamic capabilities, appreciative inquiry, culture, data.

Learning Environment

Theoretically I've already processed this and written about it, but I think lessons keep taking on different shapes as they bump up against the new experiences and changing points of view I walk through in life.

The "Learn More" links don't do anything yet. I'll add my papers later too.

Appreciative Inquiry

We did a workshop with Proctor and Gamble, which has stayed with me a bit. The idea of Appreciative Inquiry has stayed with me more though, and I'm trying more and more to find ways to switch my own thinking and acting to an appreciative stance.

Password protected client work available in Downloads.

With Others

Dr. Mangiofico had some intentionality around our cohort community. So did I, and I think I had some success and some learnings from what I'm tempted to call failure.

Everything is Data

After this trip I've been a real jerk to my friends, forcing them to question all their assumptions, identify their emotions driving their statements, and come up with data that supports what they say. It must be exhausting to talk to me now.