I just went to China

But I'm still not sure what happened.

What was that like?

I had no idea what was going to happen. I was right. I anticipated enjoying the opportunity to have most if not all of my preconceptions challenged. It was something completely different.

The "Learn More" links don't do anything yet. I'll add my papers later too.

Throwing a Conference

I'm not on the steering committee putting this conference together, but I'm very proud to be associated with these guys and I know they'll do a great job. I'll be a useful participant and I'll learn a bunch from them. Maybe one day I'll be more like them.

Meeting some farmers

Our client group involves some farmers who work on a demonstration farm which is apparently also a leisure destination. Sounds great, reminds me a bit of the city farms in London.

Last Dance

This will be the final outing of out cohort. I'm saddened and inspired by this I can't wait to see what happens and make some stuff happen.