
More Recently: My long lost domain is finally back into my hands. I'm not sure if it's been two years or three since I let this domain lapse and some douche picked it up. I guess the incredible traffic produced by the domain was so lucrative that the pirate owner made enough to retire and has just walked away and let it expire. Well good news for me I guess. I just got back pushittothemax.com as well.

Now of course I have no idea or plans on what to do here.

Saturday, July 12, 2003 11:15 PM: I've just fancied up the main page icon a little bit with some animation.The sounds are from Dave Brasgalla of Pixelhaus and Apple Computer. Hopefully Dave will give me permission to use that tune. Otherwise I'm counting on anyone who visits this page to help pay for the legal settlement. Yay Dave!

I like the little thing, but I'll bet you get annoyed at it if you visit too many of the subpages here. I'll have to do something drastic about that, like put frames back in or go all Flash. If you can't see the new logo with the moon in it, you must not have the free Macromedia Flash Player, version 5 or higher. Get Flash 6

Monday, June 2nd, 2003 5:17 PM: Mozilla Thunderbird icons for Mac and Windows, as well as Firebird icons for Windows are now availble in the downloads section.

Tuesday, May 20th, 2003 3:04 AM: I've made some replacement icons for Mozilla Firebird now that it is out for Mac OS X. Go over to the downloads page to get them.


only dorks have their own website