The Thing About Microsoft
Daring Fireball linked and commented on a couple Microsoft pieces recently, and while I largely agree with them I feel a bit of dog-piling going on. Awkwardly and surprisingly, I find myself wanting to defend Microsoft. This won’t go over well. It’s likely that this recent bout of comparisons was spawned by the news that Apple’s…
Maybe Money Isn’t That Bad
The updated $100 bill design isn’t as bad as some of the shit-talkers are making it out to be.
The PS3 was Designed by Morons
After having played around on my PS3 for many hours over several months, I can confidently say that the Software and Services appear to have been designed by total fucking idiots. UPDATE: Never finished writing this post from a couple months ago, but upon review it looks just fine to me the way it is.…
Via this article by Fake Steve Jobs (aka Daniel Lyons): “We all know that there’s no fucking way in the world we should have microwave ovens and refrigerators and TV sets and everything else at the prices we’re paying for them. There’s no way we get all this stuff and everything is done fair and…
PSP Initial Impressions
Worried that I was being too productive with my free time, I “decided”* to buy a PlayStation Portable today. When it comes to irrational behaviors, spending chunks of money on things I don’t need is one of my favorites. Here are my initial thoughts after playing around with this new toy for half an hour.…
Coolest Thing Ever: Airplanes
This might be the coolest thing ever: Actually, the coolest thing ever is the BBC miniseries Britain From Above. Especially this:
Initial Kindle impressions
Just got my Kindle 2 today (a day early). Please forgive me for skipping the unboxing documentation, but it was nicely packaged in upscale cardboard with the phrase “Once upon a time” printed on every tear-open-tab. The device is sweet for the reading experience, which should be primary. Turning pages causes a refresh which flashes…
use iPhone Simulator for web testing
The new iPhone SDK comes with an iPhone simulator named Aspen Simulator, which is a full iPhone emulator and includes a few built in Apps including the iPhone Safari (Mobile Safari, Safari Touch?). Using this simulator is a sweet way to test how webpages look on an iPhone without using a scrunched up Safari window…
Leopard’s Preview No Longer has Creepy Icon
The Preview application in OS X never rouses a lot of fanfare as it’s functionality is pretty basic, but it’s one of my favorite programs. As a PDF viewer, it’s thousands of time faster than Adobe Reader and that alone makes it priceless. But the icon has always been sorta creepy. In most aspects it…