Initial Kindle impressions

Just got my Kindle 2 today (a day early). Please forgive me for skipping the unboxing documentation, but it was nicely packaged in upscale cardboard with the phrase “Once upon a time” printed on every tear-open-tab.

The device is sweet for the reading experience, which should be primary. Turning pages causes a refresh which flashes through a inverted black page first, which is somewhat disruptive but brief.

Everything else seems a little forced in terms of interface choices; it was definitely built first for the reading experience and second for the buying and navigating options. That said, nothing really gets in the way too much. I bought a book lickety-split and could make my way through the menus fairly intuitively right away.

More later maybe.


UPDATE (7/21/2009): Left this thing at a restaurant and lost it.

That possibility had honestly never occurred to me up until the moment it happened. I never lose shit. Hmm, well not in a rush to re-buy it yet.


UPDATE 2 (4/6/2010): Now I have an iPad. Good enough battery, color, Kindle App and many other readers. Text is way sharper too.


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